
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you

meet is fighting some kind of battle."

Friday, August 13, 2010

Belly Pictures

Here are a few of the belly pics we've taken so far....
This was the day we found out we were pregnant. I had my pod on my belly at the time. (Yes, I am a robot.)

This next picture is at 6 weeks, I thought I was at 7 at the time, but after having my first ultrasound, we found out I was a week behind what they originally thought.....
Babycenter.com said at 7 weeks your baby is the size of a blueberry, but I was really 6 weeks, so pretend I'm holding a lentil :) 
I wasn't feeling so great for the next few weeks, so I don't have another picture until 9 weeks....
9 weeks, please forgive the background of our messy office. :) 
And, now the most recent belly picture, at 10 weeks....
Yes, I think I definitely have a little pooch, not that I couldn't tell already by my tight waisted pants. 
There you go, that's my pregnancy so far. Many, many more pictures to come as Betus-the-Fetus grows and my belly continues to expand. :)


  1. I absolutely LOVE this. It is so special to be able to share this with you via the blog! And, having known you and your tiny-ness forever...you do have a tiny baby pooch and it's precious :)

  2. Lindsay, I'm loving the blog! I'm crying thinking about you as a mommy. It's great to hear what hopefully I will be feeling as a mommy one day too...well the hormones at least I will feel like a normal prego. <3

  3. You look great... glad to hear everything progressing well!

    And to answer your question on my blog, I'm almost at 36 weeks... just 3 more to go (YIKES!).

    I'm delivering at 39 weeks because my daughter was an emergency c-section, and they're going in a week early just in case. I wanted to do a VBAC, but my OB doesn't do them, and I LOVE my OB.
