
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you

meet is fighting some kind of battle."

Monday, September 27, 2010

16 week update (4 days late)

Well, today I am 16 weeks, 4 days pregnant. I apologize for not having a 16 week “bump” picture. I kept remembering when I looked awful and I didn’t want to see another bad picture of myself (selfish I know). The pregnancy seems to be going by much faster now than the first part of the pregnancy did. That first trimester seemed like an eternity, but this past month has flown by. I am still anxiously awaiting the ultrasound where I find out if Betus the Fetus is a boy or a girl. Can’t wait for that, only 2 weeks and 3 days, but who’s counting, right?!

I haven’t talked about my pregnancy symptoms very much, but one of the worst ones is the acne. I have never had skin this bad in my whole life, not even during puberty. It’s awful! I get it not only on my face, but the worst is my neck and I also get it on my back and chest. Speaking of my chest…it’s gotten huge (well at least for me, no offense to you big breasted women out there)! I’ve never had boobs like this and I think they are still getting bigger, which sucks since I bought a new bra last week and it already seems tighter. I have gone from a 32B to a 34C! How crazy is that?!

I was very excited to reach the 16 week mark because that is when some women feel the baby move for the first time. It says in my pregnancy books you will feel the baby move for the first time anywhere between 16 and 22 weeks. I have had some movement, but I’m unsure it’s just normal stomach movements (ie: grumbling, digestion, gas….) or the baby. I think I will have to wait for a good swift kick before I can be sure it’s the baby, otherwise I keep talking myself out of it.

My next doctor’s appointment is October 14th. Can’t wait! I, unlike most of my diabetic mommy online pals, have only had 1 ultrasound and that was at 7 weeks, which means I haven’t seen this child since it looked like a tadpole (tail and all). I am very excited to see an ultrasound that resembles a baby. I am looking forward to seeing those arms and legs, head, hands…etc. It will be so crazy to see that profile! Ahhh! So exciting!

My last post I mentioned that my blood sugar numbers had been creeping up, but it turns out when I changed my pump I had a bent cannula (the small tube that stays under my skin after the needle is retracted). Thank goodness! So my numbers have been better since that pump change and each subsequent pump change. No insulin resistance yet, YAY!


  1. Excited to see an update! Your nest ultrasound is going to be so fun, I can't wait to see pics! That ultrasound made it so real for me, it really looks like a little baby! :) I miss you, we need to catch up! loves!

  2. Yay, 16 weeks!! So funny, our experiences are SO similar! Glad all is going well.

  3. I never had trouble with acne until I was pregnant... I would get one, very large zit either smack dab in the middle of my forehead, or on my chin. Thankfully it stopped at about 18 weeks.

    Can't wait to see an updated belly pic!

  4. I also remember feeling like time was starting to move more quickly once I got about half way through my second trimester, especially after we found out the gender! But for me I still wish it would speed up a bit! I'm so impatient to meet her!

    I guess the acne is a pretty common problem. (Ugh!) I actually broke out right after I went off birth control and just as my skin started clearing up, I got pregnant and broke out again! Also on my shoulders and chest (the worst) and it sucked. Lucky for me it cleared up right before my brother's wedding at 10 weeks, when I needed to wear a strapless gown.

    Looking forward to hearing the news about whether 'Betus is a he or a she! It's going to be so crazy to see how much (s)he has grown since your last ultrasound. It will blow your mind . . . in a great way!

  5. i am so very excited my dear to learn whether or not i'm having a niece or nephew. until then, love to my niecephew!
