
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you

meet is fighting some kind of battle."

Thursday, September 9, 2010

3rd Doctors Appointment/14 weeks

I am 14 weeks pregnant today! I had my 3rd Doctors Appointment this afternoon. It went great: good urine specimen, got weighed (I’ve gained 4 pounds.), perfect blood pressure and (my favorite part) got to hear the heartbeat again. The heart rate was 161. The doctor is pretty sure it’s a girl based on the heart rate. He said that 2/3 of the babies he delivers with that heart rate are girls. I’ll have to wait another 5 weeks to find out for sure. This is the second comment he has made about it being a girl, so I’ve gotten used to the idea. If it ends up being up boy I think I will be in shock. I don’t care either way, I just want to know….NOW.  Most gender predictor tests found online also use the heart rate as a gender predictor. They say that if your baby’s heart rate is over 140, it will be a girl. We’ll have to wait and see. Cary said it could just be an ADD boy.  Since this child is related to Cary that could definitely be true. 
My next appointment is October 14th. I will be 19 weeks. I will get to have an ultrasound to determine the sex. I was hoping to have it done the week before because my cousin is getting married 10/10/10 and I will be with family that weekend. It’s so much more fun to announce exciting news in person. Oh well.
I wore a dress today that my sister-in-law sent me (Thank you Laura for the maternity clothes!). It made me really look pregnant, not just like I had a chubby tummy. It’s more the way the dress hangs than anything, but it’s still pretty cool. I didn’t realize it until I caught a side view of myself in a window and was like “Whoa, is that me?!” I’ve always heard from pregnant women that they are treated so well during pregnancy. Everyone I’ve come in contact with today has been especially nice, I guess it’s because I actually look pregnant. (Bonus!)
A friend asked me Sunday “Don’t you just love being pregnant?” At the time I said “No” because I just felt exhausted and just generally terrible and have felt that way for about 7 weeks, but now I think I am enjoying it a lot more. Amazing how just a few days have changed my whole attitude. Ahhh, Hormones! 

Here is a picture of me in the dress I wore today and a picture in a t-shirt for comparison. I definitely look more pregnant in the dress. Yay for baby bump! 


  1. 15) Hi love your blog. Please visit my blog that I started recently. Its a blog dedicated to sharing maternity dresses and jeans.Thank you for sharing..
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  2. I can definitely tell you are pregnant in the dress. Very cute!

    I know how anxious you are to find out the gender, we were the same way! I wanted to know so badly!! And just for comparison our heartrates were 176, 152, 145 and 135. And it turns out she's a girl. It's normal for the heartrate to gradually get slower as long as it stays above 120. And yesterday I had another OB appointment and she was back up to 140!

    Can't wait to hear was you are having!

  3. You are so cute. I am so excited for you guys! Hope you three are doing well! Much Love

  4. Ah, the dress is so cute!! Glad everything is going well. I love hearing the heartbeat too. Our little one has a fast heartbeat too (160's) so my mom thinks it's also a girl. Will be interesting to see if the wives tale is true!

  5. I'm so happy for you and Cary. I wouldn't know what to do with a girl but I sure do love dressing up Amelie! Can't wait to find out, I know your mom is about to die to find out. I love your blog, you inspired me to start my own. Love You!!!

  6. love, love, love the pics! you are showing and it is so awesome. you are glowing, even though you feel poopie. you look beautiful sissy :)
